Our mission

To promote and protect NH’s great outdoor traditions.

How we do it

We do this by funding New Hampshire Fish and Game Department programs, funding other organization’s programs, and educating the public through our Forever Locked exhibit. We support essential efforts to safeguard our outdoor heritage, provide outdoor education for future generations, and ensure safe, accessible outdoor recreation across the state.

About us

The Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire was created in 2006 to help fund projects and programs that sustain the traditions, lifestyle and special places we cherish here in New Hampshire.

In the spring of 2008, following a sustained period of increasing costs and declining revenues for the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Governor John H. Lynch signed into law an Act establishing the Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire as the official non-profit partner of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department.

The Foundation is a charitable, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with the mission to enhance, through private financial support, critical conservation programs throughout the state so that people and wildlife will benefit for generations to come.

Funding for projects and programs comes from private and corporate donations, memorial gifts, bequests and the annual NH Moose Permit Auction.

Why is there a need for the Wildlife Heritage Foundation of NH?

The NH Fish and Game Department is a self-funded agency.  State wildlife agencies are traditionally funded from hunting and fishing licenses and fees, but revenues are declining due to many factors. Decreasing revenues coupled with increased expectations mean that our fish and wildlife agencies are responsible for more than ever before – but have less money to do their work.

There are many active wildlife foundations serving states throughout the country.  Although often directly associated with public wildlife agencies, private foundations are not intended to be budgetary supplements to state agencies, but rather to focus on supporting critical programs or projects that the agencies could not otherwise afford.

Why is this so important to New Hampshire?

The NH Fish and Game Department’s budget sustains the full range of habitat, fish and wildlife management tasks. The health of these populations is an indication of the quality of our natural environment.  The Department’s budget also provides for conservation and wildlife education, law enforcement, and search and rescue missions. Our heritage, culture and traditions are dependent on the health and abundance of our wildlife resources.